We offer ecological consultation & contracting services, specialising in landscape scale restoration and conservation work. We work closely with national conservation organisations, land managers, land owners, and farmers alike, with a shared goal to protect and restore some of the UK's most valuable habitats.
-> A b o u t
Woodland Creation - Hedgerow Planting - Native Woodland Regeneration - Ground Preparation - Restocking - Aftercare
Plug Planting - Brash Spreading - Re-profiling - Grip Blocking - Gully Blocking - Air Marshalling
Leaky Dams - Composite & Timber Dams - Pond Creation & Restoration - Consultation & Advice
Preliminary Ecological Appraisals - Species Surveys - Monitoring - ECoW Services - Ecological Impact Assessments
Stock Fencing - Post & Rail Fencing - Gates - Paths - PRoW Management - Bridges
© UPLAND ENVIRONMENTAL LTD. Registered in England No. 15807029. Hope Valley Centre, Hope Rd, Bamford, Peak District, Derbyshire, S33 0AL